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We love publishing tabletop games almost as much as we love playing them. We believe the best games are ones where everyone feels safe. Please see our favorite resources to help ensure that happens whenever you roll the dice.

Safety Tools

These tools from others in the community are some of our favorite resources to help ensure everyone feels comfortable and safe during every game session.

Infinity Vibe Card

Click below for a printable resource for your TTRPG game. Using a traffic light system, each color on the card represents a different level of comfort, and its design allows it to be folded infinitely to indicate the appropriate color. See the guide below for the color meanings:

  • Green = “I’m perfectly comfortable with the direction of the game experience.”
  • Yellow = “I’m beginning to feel uneasy about the game experience, but no lines have been crossed.”
  • Red = “I’m very uncomfortable and need the game experience to stop or take a new direction.”
  • Purple = “I’m excited about the game experience and want to be more involved.”
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